This blog is established for all those in the Village of Harlem, New York City who are just plain tired of seeing the Village used as a stepping stone for the obscenely greedy and blatantly ambitious moochers. Usually both behaviors – greed – ambition – rear their ugly head in the same person or persons.
This is one of the reasons why the Village was so manipulated during the recent 125th Street Rezoning.
Manipulative people looking out for the camera and not looking out for the Harlem Community. This involved underhanded interactions by individuals, groups and politicians that ultimately negatively affected the Harlem Community.
The Community really needs to step back for a moment and attempt to determine what really happened and what is the furture going to be like.
The Harlem Community also needs to get rid of all of the present Harlem politicians and not throw away votes for opportunists who really do not have the community's interest at heart.
Harlem must make better choices in the future about who will represent us.
Strength and Care to the Village!