Monday, September 29, 2008

Is Craig Schley Really Campaigning for the 15th Congressional District?

Is Craig Schley really Campaigning for the 15th Congressional District seat?

The Manipulative Model is using the following as a contact address on his shamelessly self-absorbed congressional campaign web site.

331 West 57th Street,146
New York, NY 10019

Is that address in the Village of Harlem, within the 15th Congressional District or somewhere in midtown Manhattan?

Wonder! Who is actually orchestrating, that is, directing his campaign?

Is the Village of Harlem near 57th Street?

The address appears to be in New York’s 14th Congressional District and is represented by Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D) not Rep. Charles Rangel (D).



Watching Out For The Village!

The Presidential Obama versus the Un-Presidential McCain

Barack Obama Being Presidential

John McCain Covering His A.... For Messing Up the 
Wall Street Deliberations Last Week With A Stunt That 
Did Not Help Him During Last Week's Debate (Debate #1)

Watching Out For The Village!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

2008 First Presidential Debate Viewing Party

This is an important historic event!

Seeing it on a large screen will be exciting.

2008 First Presidential Debate

(Obtain Tickets from Box Office)

Box Office Hours:
Weekdays (except Wed.): 10:00am – 6:00pm
Wednesday: 10:00am – 8:30pm.
Visit for more information, 
or call 212-531-5305

WHAT: First Presidential Debate 2008
WHO: Senator Obama & Senator McCain
WHERE: World famous Apollo Theater / 253 W. 125th Street, Village of Harlem, New York
TIME: Doors open at 7, event at 8
WHEN: Friday, September 26, 2008
FEATURING: Political Analysis & On Site Voter Registration

Watching Out For The Village!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Nightmare on Beacon Street

Strolling along in the Harlem Village the other day, saw concerned citizens of Harlem running and screaming through the street.  Some were crying and yelling out, “Stop using the Village.” “Stop manipulating the Village”.

The fingers of many of them were pointing to a news stand.   Some Harlemites walked over to the stand to see what was going on.  They looked at the newspapers that were laid out.  When they came to one particular newspaper they would stop and begin screaming, pointing and saying the same words.  “Stop using the Village.” “Stop manipulating the Village”.

One screaming and crying concerned Harlemite said its Craig Schley again.  He’s at it again.

Asked the Harlem Citizen to describe what was seen.  The Citizen described an image of Craig Schley standing in front of the revered Adam Clayton Powell Jr. statue at the Harlem State Office Building.  It was on the front page of the Beacon newspaper.

The concerned Harlem Citizens began to chant repeatedly between wailing, “How dare he”.   “This is a nightmare.”  Please, let me wake up.”

Did not look from fear.  Also, needed to assist the other Harlem Citizens in getting away from the danger of manipulation.

Felt like the Nightmare on Beacon Street.

The Harlem community may have to hold its nose and vote for Charlie :( to make sure this Manipulative Model does not get near the U. S. Congress with his self-absorbed self.

For all the bad that Charles Rangel is, Craig Schley is worst.

Watching Out For The Village!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Hillary Clinton & Sara Palin on Saturday Night Live

Yes! TrueHarlemite can sometimes be a little light hearted. :)

Check out this video. Funny Funny Funny!

Saturday Night Live (Saturday, September 13, 2008)
Amy Poehler
as Hillary Clinton
Tina Fey as Sarah Palin

Watching Out For The Village!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Craig Schley's Parasitic Ways Continue

Craig Schley of Vote People for Change continues his parasitic ways.

During the weekend this opportunistic carpetbagger defaced Malcolm X Boulevard in Central Harlem with posters of his congressional campaign.

The Manipulative Model's posters are so close to the look of Obama's presidential campaign posters that one has to take a second look to realize that it is not an Obama poster offering change but a slickly designed Craig Schley poster tapping on Obama's idea of change.

Craig Schley continues to use the work and ideas of others in his quest to promote himself and "get over" on Harlem.

When will these Craig Schley "get over" attempts end???

Watching Out For The Village

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Memories of Jim Jones & Craig Schley

Upon reflecting on Craig Schley, the Executive Director of Vote People (aka Vote of the Everyday People) as a congressional candidate, Jim Jones, the charismatic Preacher of the People’s Temple comes to mind. The followers of both men, pounce mercilessly on those who question the motives of their leadership. Unfortunately Jim Jones’ devotees followed their leader into physical death by drinking grape juice laced with cyanide. Will the Village of Harlem follow Craig Schley to its political death by drinking his grape juice laced with manipulation?

If this happens the gentrification of the Village of Harlem along with the “pushing out” of the Indigenous Community would speed up. One must ponder out loud a question. Is this part of the 50 Year Plan? That is, get the community to replace the present Congressman Charles Rangel (who is also self-absorbed) with just a younger version of himself?


Community! Call to the Holy Spirit! & Pray Satan Away! Pray Satan Away! Pray Satan Away!

Watching Out For The Village!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Charlie Tries To Explain It All!

Just to keep readers up to date!

Charlie tries to explain it all while the Republicans (and some Democrats from his own 15th Congressional District) are snapping at his "Ways and Means" Committee Chairmanhip heels.

Hard to run at 70+ years old.  

Where is the Community (that you sold out) when you need them?
Watching you fall Charlie and trying to keep an opportunistic carpetbagger like Craig Schley at bay.

Check out the Video!

Watching Out For The Village

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Hope he paid for this web site!!

Well the "Model User" now has a campaign (?) web site. About 10 months after he set out to manipulated the Harlem Community into thinking that he really cared about them and not his ambitions.

He presently uses a web site for that he does not have official rights to. 

Hope Craig Schley paid for this web site.  Interestingly,  the page for votepeopleforchange is still a holder page.  The only one that is up is  But of course, his campaign is not really based about change it is really about  the "Me, Myself and I" campaign to "get over" on Harlem.

Will address the following in future posts:
  • A Blue Collar Man, with a White Collar Education
  • How it all got started....
  • A Humanist at heart
  • I believe that communities should determine their own destinies
Hey! These are phrases that he is using.

Jive in a suit and not cute!

Watching Out For The Village!

Model? Boxer? Model Boxer? Or Model of Distraction

The Harlem Wanna "B" Craig Schley is now sending Charlie Rangel "Wolf Tickets".  How does he have the bravado to do this?  One can do this if one is a wolf, that is, a balding wolf in sheep’s clothing.  One good slap from Rangel and this Blood Sucker (Isn't that what wolfs are in scary movies) will go running and crying back into the abyss he came from.

Community, can we not do better than this self created leach. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee!

The Village has to be careful not to let it be sucked dry before it realizes that its life existence is being taken from it by an opportunistic carpetbagger trying to "get over" on us.

While watching out for this wolf, try to think about who would be worthy to represent the Village of Harlem in Congress.  Charlie needs to go, but, this one should not take his place.

Watching Out For The Village!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Charlie! Why did you put us in this predicament?

Question: Charles Rangel, why did you not resign earlier this year? Or 10 – 20 years ago. Why did you let it get to this point? Why did you not decide to run again? Why did you put the Harlem Community in a “trick bag” and in “harms way”?

What should have happened: Charlie Rangel indicates no later than January 2008 that he will no longer run for office as the Congressman for the 15th Congressional District in New York State and/or resigns from office. Then, a group of worthy candidates emerges to run for the 15th Congressional seat because they do not fear reprisal from Charlie and his “friends”.

Instead, this is what is unfolding: Harlem has a Congressman who needs to leave office (Charles Rangel), and, there is an opportunistic carpetbagger who does not really care about Harlem trying to get into that office (Craig Schley). The situation presents a problem with essentially no solution to Residents who love and respect Harlem. Either leave Charles Rangel in office or elect a self-centered opportunistic interloper into office. Darn!

On reflection: This is what happens when a Community does not make one of its priorities the development of good, grounded, stable and caring “home grown” community activists/politicians. Because of this, Harlem is now exposed and can end up being used by self-absorbed interlopers with political designs. Also, by not addressing this problem the Village of Harlem is now presented with essentially NO CHOICES for leadership. To summarize, there is no decent leadership in Harlem now and no decent leadership ready for the foreseeable future. Darn, again!

A little history: Craig Schley came out of nowhere less than one year ago at a 125th Street Rezoning meeting. He does not really know Harlem. He uses the ideas and work of others who know Harlem to “get over”. He used the 125th Street Rezoning as a way for him to get a lot of media face time that he felt would help “position” him to run against Charles Rangel.

More Stuff On This: As indicated above, Charlie Rangel needs to go but a seasoned Harlemite who really knows the Village of Harlem should replace him. Not an opportunistic and manipulative political “wanna be” who is trying to get a name for himself while attempting to “get over” on Harlemites.

This Wilhelmina Model is attempting to hook on to the discontent of Harlem Residents who suffer under the present crop of sorry Harlem Politicians. While tapping into this discontent, this carpetbagger is hoping that the Harlem Community does not carefully examine him and his past/present deeds too closely. In other words he sees this as an opportunity to “get over” on Harlemites because of the intensity of their anger towards Rangel.

Harlemites should definitely be angry with Rangel but not so angry as to allow Craig Schley’s fake concern for Harlem and the 125th Street Rezoning to blind them to his (Craig Schley’s) manipulation of the present painful state of politics in Harlem.

This guy is slick because along with banking on the Harlem Community’s massive dissatisfaction with Charlie Rangel he is also attempting to “hook on” to Obama’s call for change. As indicated above he will use the ideas and work of others (for example, Obama’s call for change) to push through his own (personal) agenda being “Me, Myself, and I”.

Again it must be stated: Charlie needs to go but this “Model of Distraction” should not be the one to replace him. Mr. Slick Schley has attempted to use the email of other groups to get himself known, piggy backed on other groups’ rallies to give a false impression that he is leading these groups, is the executive director of an organization (?) that has abused human rights (vote people), although it claims to be for human rights and has yet (it is believed) to stop using a web site to which it has not been given rights to.

Disrespecting Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.: Craig Schley disrespected the memory of Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. (ACPJ) by using ACPJ’s statue as a “stage prop” in his announcement. Given the situation, it is inconceivable that Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. would have been pleased about a carpetbagger using his image as a way to continue to pull the “crap” Craig Schley is pulling on the Harlem Community that ACPJ held so dear.

In Summary: The community needs to carefully check out this “Manipulative Model” before it is too late. Harlem needs a Congressman who cares about the community, not just about “Getting Over” on the Community.

Lastly this must be said: Craig Schley came out of nowhere and he needs to go back to nowhere for the good of the Village of Harlem.

Strength and Care to the Village!

Watching Out For The Village!