Memories of Jim Jones & Craig Schley
Upon reflecting on Craig Schley, the Executive Director of Vote People (aka Vote of the Everyday People) as a congressional candidate, Jim Jones, the charismatic Preacher of the People’s Temple comes to mind. The followers of both men, pounce mercilessly on those who question the motives of their leadership. Unfortunately Jim Jones’ devotees followed their leader into physical death by drinking grape juice laced with cyanide. Will the Village of Harlem follow Craig Schley to its political death by drinking his grape juice laced with manipulation?
If this happens the gentrification of the Village of Harlem along with the “pushing out” of the Indigenous Community would speed up. One must ponder out loud a question. Is this part of the 50 Year Plan? That is, get the community to replace the present Congressman Charles Rangel (who is also self-absorbed) with just a younger version of himself?
Community! Call to the Holy Spirit! & Pray Satan Away! Pray Satan Away! Pray Satan Away!
Watching Out For The Village!