Sunday, November 10, 2013

Response to NY Daily News Article: "Elected officials, union call for incoming NYC Controller to audit the city Housing Authority"

This is TrueHarlemite's comment to the following article:
Elected officials, union call for incoming NYC Controller to audit the city Housing Authority

Hi "SKIP MOONEY" we have to ignore Ann Coulter because she is good at distracting people from pertinent issues by her use of outlandish and on many occasions racist comments. Thank you for the information, however. 

This New York City Public Housing Authority (NYCHA) + Use/Lost of Money issue is too important to allow Coulter and her "Adam's Apple self" to distract those of us concerned about the preservation of Public Housing in NYC. 

Mayor-Elect Bill DeBlasio. Please create a separate Transition Tent for Public Housing Residents. And please do not listen to just housing organizations. They have a way of hogging meetings so that individuals do not get an opportunity to have their say. Please allow time for individuals to speak by creating a path for independent participation. 

After saying all that: 

How John Rhea got the job of Director of NYCHA is bewildering, but how the NYC Council turned a "blind eye" to his appointment with only a handful of Council Members questioning it's inappropriateness is also a mystery. There were no loud and clear comments from Congressional Representatives either at the time. The two US Senators also remained silent along with the State Senate and Assembly. 

Apparently because it looked like a situation that would only affect the poor and mostly minority poor, the politicians did not seem to care. They did not show any real cohesive outrage. They may have felt that those most affected may yell a lot about a lot of things but they do not go to important meetings and/or vote opting instead to watch TV, go to the Club and spend money, complain to each other and/or discuss sports, get hypnotized at Political Clubs not to do anything, et cetera..... 

Agree! There must be an investigation! But who should do it? Scott Stringer? Pleaseeeeeeeee! 

If you said Spitzer, now that would have made sense. This investigation must be independent of the government. Stringer will have to pay someone who unlike himself knows what a Comptroller is suppose to do. But then he will be in control of the results of the investigation and how it is "couched" prior to their release. 

With Stringer the public are essentially a bunch of Chickens asking the Fox to watch the Fox House. Do you think a Fox is going to do anything about the other Foxes? No matter how much the Chickens complain, the Chickens will eventually be eaten and the Foxes will walk around laughing about how tasty the Chickens were and go on their merry way. 

And in case you did not know it, Stringer is the person who came up with the "INFILL" idea. See: 
"Borough President Stringer has released a detailed report titled “Land Rich, Pocket Poor” on the issue of NYCHA’s unused air rights. In the appendix of that report, he has listed the developments have unused development rights."

Also take a peek at the following article in ShelterForce referencing the present Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer's report noted above: 
The Case of NYCHA’s Disappearing Open Space 

It should be demanded during the investigation that the Federal Government (HUD - Housing and Urban Development) explain their "hands off"/minimal interaction approach to NYCHA. This approach is what has allowed NYCHA to "Run Wild" with itself.

NYCHA cannot be an authority unto itself. This must change and Albany, if it really gives a d.....n should start on changing NYCHA's authority status to one where it is responsible to the people it is suppose to serve. 

Changing the NYCHA Board from an appointed board to an elective one SHOULD BE DONE IMMEDIATELY and would bring the NYCHA Board inline with the other Public Housing boards in the State of New York. (Scott Stringer is also big on wanting to appoint everybody - including Residents - to the NYCHA Board - > CONTROL! CONTROL!) 

Changing the name of the NYCHA entity might also give it a fresh start. Just an idea. 

For politicians to change NYCHA from an ineffective agency to another ineffective agency just so they can keep their hands on the money and give money to their friends and associates is not the change that Public Housing in NYC needs. 

It will be interesting to see how this all plays out.